Don't Stress - Because You Might Gain Weight
19th February 2021
This is week 6 for our 12 weeks Body Reboot Members, and I have to say that lockdown with working from home, homeschooling, worrying about the loved ones, being stuck indoors because of cold and horrible weather have a bad impact on our members’ mental health and stress level.
We were discussing with our members how stress can affect our weight and I decided this is going to be my next blog post, as it’s quite a grey area amongst mums .
Most of us become over-eaters when we’re stressed. Why?
Levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, rise during tension-filled times (this is absolutely normal, it’s our survival “fight or flight” mode). Cortisol temporarily pauses regular bodily functions and slows your metabolism. Increased levels of cortisol also help cause higher insulin levels, your blood sugar drops and it creates a surge of energy in your body (hence you crave mainly sweet, fatty and salty foods)
While this process is essential for survival situations, it also increases your appetite. But when we’re stressed we don’t need to outrun a wild animal, our body doesn’t really need those extra calories that cortisol made us to crave (and eat quite often)
It’s important to mention that an excess of cortisol also can lead your body to produce less testosterone. This may cause a decrease in muscle mass, as well as slow down how many calories your body burns.
If we were stressed just occasionally, our body would be able to cope with it without weight gain but when we have long-term stress, cortisol levels are elevated in the blood and summon too much glucose. When glucose is not used for energy, it ends up stored in the form of fat — primarily abdominal fat cells.
I know it’s hard but when you’re stressed, reach for healthy foods instead of fatty, sweet stuff. Plant based whole foods are always good option. Have them ready in your house, in your bag, in your ca and buggy, so you don’t jump on the first Creme Egg when everything gets too much.
Meditate and practise mindfulness (we can highly recommend
Exercise on a regular basis, this will help you to decrease your stress level.
If you have any questions, get in touch!
Dori x
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