To be honest with you, I don’t really like when one thing has a million different names, and diastasis recti is one of those “things”. 
Abdominal separation, tummy gap or DR, they all mean the same thing, a gap between your tummy muscles. 
Before we go into details, let me tell you my diastasis recti story.  
After my first pregnancy I was ok, no tummy gap, still very strong core, no issues. I was exercising until the day when my second child, Pixie was born. I was classed “fit” and “strong” but I already knew that I would end up with an abdominal separation. My tummy was huge, all at the front and I actually felt that my muscles were stretched. 
6 weeks after she was born I had the courage and checked my tummy muscles, and I was shocked. I could easily fit my fist between my muscles! 
I was upset because I knew this is going to limit my workouts. I knew I wouldn’t be able to run, lift heavy weights. I knew that having a tummy gap means one thing: long and not so exciting rehab work on my core. But I was determined and I did it. It took me years, but I did it! 
Before telling you about my recovery work, let’s just run through on 5 things you should know about diastasis recti. 
1. Diastasis recti is the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominals, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach. 
2. Diastasis recti is not limited to women, it can affect men and even babies. 
3. Quite often diastasis recti is the cause of lower back pain, because all the pressure goes on your back. 
4. The most common symptom of diastasis recti is a “mummy tummy”, pooch or bulge in your stomach, especially when you strain or contract your abdominal muscles. Additional symptoms include: 
poor posture 
5. Sit ups, crunches and anything in plank position might worsen the gap. 
Unfortunately Mums are not checked for abdominal separation any more during their 6 weeks check up. It’s vital to know if you have a gap or not before returning to exercising. 
We would like to help, and show you how can you check for yourself if your tummy muscles are separated or not with this short video: 
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