About this Programme 

The 6 weeks challange has been designed to help you supercharge your weight loss and kickstart your journey! 

The programme is ideal to maximise your progress before an even which might be your summer holiday or a black dress festive event. 
The 6 weeks challange is specifically designed to keep you accountable and support you in navigating the temptation that arise during the summer holiday or during the festive period. 
Lose weight, get stronger or simply maintain your current level of fitness, my programme will help you to achive your goals. 
Joining the challange means gaining access to a comprehensive programme that addresses all of your pain points and empowers you to overcome them. 
I will help you to stay on track during holidays with an expert guidance to keep you motivated and accountable. 
Everyone's goal and challanges are unique. I tailor the programme to meet everyone's need ensuring you the necessary success. 
I will be there for you every step of the way , providing guidance, answering your questions and cheering you on towards your goals. 

The programme includes: 

Nutrition coaching with tailored macros and calories 
Meal ideas to support your lifestyle goals 
2x30 min Personal Training sessions per week face to face or online 
Motivation and accountability with regular support 
This is not a "Lose 2 stone in 6 weeks "kinfd of programme. 
It takes years of doing the same thing day in day out to eradicate old habits. 
BUT you can be educated and shown how to build good habits and change your mindset so you can go onto perfecting those new habits and mindset over the time. 


If you'd like to discuss how our 6 week challenge can help you get in touch today.