The new Funmums Fitness & Wellbeing – everything about our rebranding!
7th May 2021
Funmumsfitness turned 3 years old in March. Three years of various Mother & children workout classes, personal training sessions in various gyms, fundraising events, hundreds of coffees (or even more…) and playdates, surviving Covid and turning our sessions to online sessions… Just to mention the most important parts of our community!
After supporting Mums for three years, we realised that we’d like to offer them even more. A wider selection of fitness classes, and classes for babies and for children! This is how Funmums Fitness & Wellbeing was born a couple of months ago!
I’m sure you all understand how much work it was to find the right instructors, to find the best venues, and to do all the boring (for me at least) background – admin work to be able to offer the best classes for our Funmums and their children!
Please welcome Funmums Fitness & Wellbeing with as much love and passion as we created it for YOU!

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